Thursday, October 23, 2008


On 6 october my class went to Piles, 3 days. Per personal problems I didn't go.
I stayed here with Carles, Chema, Susana, Ainhoa and people of 2º.
We did the homeworks that we had for the holidays, (Because after wednesday we had holidays 2 days + the weekend). I finished all the homeworks and on holidays I didn't do homeworks. But we didn't do just homeworks, We went to a museum in la canyada, of very nice photos, we practissed a thing that we are doing in music class. We are doing music with papers, its very funny, but we were just 4 people to did it and didn't was the same as with all the class.
The teachers only was 3; Rafa, Jaime C and Gonçal.
The second day I was very boring and I wanted to go to Piles with all my friends, but was too late. Didn't was so bad, I laughed a lot with Sandro and Carles.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


20 Exits of the 80’s
:: Michael Jackson - Thriller
Music in 80’s
The music in the 80’s was very different.
Two things that had change was the fashion
And music. This two things, now are very different that was in the 80’s.
Before, they dressed very funky, with balloon skirts
And a lot of dresses. Their trousers were flared and very baggy. They looked very well, very elegant, with fantastic hairs usually short and with a lot of volume. The black was a very good colour to dress.
So, the video clips of the songs were spectacular. Not the way that they danced, but the dresser and the hairs were a thing that highlights a lot in the video clips of the 80’s.
You can see:


+The greatest singles of any era possess the power to change the world in three minutes, or failing that, they at least share the ability to leave their stamp on a musical landscape already filled nearly to capacity.+

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


(March 6, 1475 – February 18, 1564) was born at Caprese, a village in Florentine territory.
Was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet and engineer who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. he was the creator of works of sublime beauty that express the full breadth of the human condition.
If the years before 1505, he starts to work and he attracted attention.

Michelangelo once said that he was no painter; on another occasion he declared he was no architect, but in reality he was both.He paints a lot of things and his paintings are beautiful and with a lot of sense.
This are Some of his paints:
-The Holy Family with the infant St. John the Baptist
-Creation of the Sun and Moon
-The Separation of Light from the Darkness ..
etc etc, and more that are very famous!

This are a beautiful pages to see more information:

Monday, September 22, 2008


On sunday 14 I went with my fiends; Silvia, Eva and Carla to see a movie in Kinepolis, Wanted.I Wanted see this movie because the people said me that was very good and incredible.We saw it in the room 24, the biggest room of Kinepolis.

My Opinion:I like the film but I think that is very incredible, some things that they do are imposible to do! A lot of special effects.The history is very good and very interesting.The actors and actress are very famous and are very good with their roles.I like very much Angelia Jolie and Morgan Freeman, They are very good actors.

Director: Timur Bekmambetov
Genre: Action
Tagline:Choose your destiny.
Plot: A frustrated office worker learns that he is the son of a professional assassin, and that he shares his father's superhuman killing abilities

Wanted tells the tale of one apathetic nobody’s transformation into an unparalleled enforcer of justice. 25-year-old Wes (James McAvoy) was the most disaffected, cube-dwelling drone the planet had ever known. Until he met a woman named Fox (Angelina Jolie). After his estranged father is murdered, the deadly sexy Fox recruits Wes into the Fraternity, a secret society that trains Wes to avenge his dad’s death by unlocking his dormant powers. With wickedly brilliant tutors—including the Fraternity’s enigmatic leader, Sloan (Morgan Freeman) —Wes grows to enjoy all the strength he ever wanted. But, slowly, he begins to realize there is more to dangerous associates than meets the eye. And as he wavers between newfound heroism and vengeance, Wes will come to learn what no one could ever teach him: he alone controls his destiny.

javascript:var x = new Object(); x.pageName = 'home'; trackEvent(x);

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Music is an art form in which the medium is sound organized in time. Common elements of music are pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.

The music is the art muses, the traditional definition is that the music the art of organised sensivility convination if the sounds, using the melody.

Nowaday is very frecuently to work with the concept of the music realized on three things: The sounds, the human production and the physic imagen.

Every cultures have their mucisal manifestations. The music is joined with a social group and his events. Those events are not universals, so, we can't say that the music is an universial art.

For example, probably the Mozart's music dont have any musical sens for an African persons, who understand the music like a diferent for as the european world.The music have a very important sensivility part.

One example is the contenporanean music wich is relate with the love. And the rest of kinds of musics ae related with, the died, abour how to be happy, and also the love.

-Hip hop
etc etc..

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count. For example: "pen". We can count pens. We can have one, two, three or more pens. Here are some more countable nouns:
-dog, cat, animal, man, person
-bottle, box, litre
-table, chair, suitcase, bag

Countable nouns can be singular or plural:
-My cat is playing.
-My cats are playing.

When a countable noun is singular, we must use a word like a/the/my/this with it:
-I want an orange.
-Where is my bottle?

When a countable noun is plural, we just can use it alone:
-I like oranges.
-Bottles can break.

We can use some, any, few, many with countable nouns:
-I've got some dollars.
-Have you got any pens?
-I've got a few dollars.
-I haven't got many pens

Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot "count" them. For example, we cannot count "milk".Here are some more uncountable nouns:
-music, art, love, happiness
-electricity, gas, power
-rice, sugar, butter, water

We usually treat uncountable nouns as singular. We use a singular verb. For example:
-This news is very important.
-Your luggage looks heavy.

We do not usually use the indefinite article a/an with uncountable nouns. We cannot say "an information" or "a music". But we can say a something of:
-a piece of news
-a bottle of water

We can use some, any, a little, much with uncountable nouns:
-I've got a little money.
-I haven't got much rice.
-I've got some money.
-Have you got any rice?


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My holidays

The best thing of my holidays was the concert of POLICE , in valencia.
I went with my cousins, my aunt, my father and my brother.
Was very nice. In the start, I didn't want to go, but later was very funny. I have never ear to speak about them, its a older group, but we were dancing and singing the songs that we know.
My best song was "walking on the moon", its really funny and nice.
The concert started at 9:00 PM and finished at 12:00, more or less.
Later, we were very tired.
We had prismatics to see better because we were on the last row in the grades. There was a lot of people, and I seen some of my friends.

On 20, july I went three weeks to Brighton, Ingland.
with the company "sheffield center". You could choose to stay in a residence or in a host family, and I went to host family.
There was:
3 children
-Elizabeth (9 years old)
-Alphie (12 years old)
-Bertie (3 years old) And pharents.

They were very nice and funny. The house was small but very cozy.
They had a trampolin, swimmingpool, dog, cat, fishes and a lot of things to play.

Another student of denmark, Trina, who is 17 years old, lived with me in the same house. This was a very good things because on morning, when whe went to the school I was not alone. She showed me to take the buses, to buy with the "libras" and a lot of things. My school was very big and with a lot of people from another countries: Denmark, poland, italy, french, spain, rusia.. The people, the teachers, the monitors were very friendly and very good person.

The first week, we had lessons on morning, three hours, later we were going to lunch in some restaurant, and later some days we had free time and another days we had activities to do.
On night sometimes we had free time, and another times we had disco or cinema.
If we had free time, we were going to the beach, under the Brighton Pier, a very famous build in Brighton, with a lot of people.
All the free nights were the best.

The second week, we had activities on morning and lessons on afternoon. And we had the same on nights.
The third week was the same than the first one.

The third week was very fast.
I cryed a lot, because was the time to say "GOODBYE".
And I have meeted a lot of friends and I have spend 3 weeks with them.

I came back to Spain with my Parenths, who were in london because my little brother wanted to see London.
The flyed was very good, better than the fly to come to London, because I traveled alone.
The next summer I want repeat.



Monday, August 11, 2008


Ecology is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their environment.

Likewise "ecologic" or "ecological" is often taken in the sense of environmentally friendly.

The term ecology or oekologie was coined by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866, when he defined it as "the comprehensive science of the relationship of the organism to the environment.
Fundamental principles of ecology:


Disciplines of ecology
Ecology is a broad discipline comprising many sub-disciplines. A common, broad classification, moving from lowest to highest complexity, where complexity is defined as the number of entities and processes in the system under study, is:

Behavioral ecology
Population ecology
Community ecology
Ecosystem ecology
Systems ecology
Landscape ecology
Evolutionary ecology
Political ecology
the information is from:
- wikipedia


[am/is/are + present participle]

POSITIVE- You are watching TV.
INTERROGATIVE- Are you watching TV?
NEGATIVE- You are not watching TV.

1.We use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening now.

The kids are watching TV.
I am sitting down, because I am tired.

2.We can also use the Present continuos Tense to talk about activities happening around now, and not necessarily this very moment.

Sally is studying really hard for her exams this week.
I am reading a really interesting book now.

3. The present continuos tense is also used to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events.

I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.
Polly is coming for dinner tomorrow

The information is from:
- English board
- present continuos

Another pages to play:


Friday, June 27, 2008


Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings.

afirmative --- negative --- Interrogative
She will go.. She won't go ..will she go.. ?

Form: subject + will + verb (indicative)
Uses: Promises, plans and intentions (not sure), ask politely or offer.

You will help him later.
Will you help him later?
You will not help him later.

afirmative ------ negative ------- Interrogative
She is going to.. She isn't going to.. Is she going to..?

Form: subject + verb to be + going to + verb (indicative)
Uses: (segurity) intencions and plans, preditions with evidences, future events.

You are going to meet Jane tonight.
Are you going to meet Jane tonight?
You are not going to meet Jane tonight.

the information are from:

Monday, June 02, 2008


A video game is a game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device.

The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device.

However, with the popular use of the term "video game", it now implies any type of display device. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles (play station, nintendo etc.. )


Video games are primarily meant for entertainment. However, some video games are made (at least in part) for other reasons. These include advergames, educational games, propaganda games. Many of these fall under the category of serious games.



multiplayer-Video gaming has traditionally been a social experience. From its early beginnings, video games have commonly been playable by more than a single player.

Benefits- It has been shown that action video game players have better visuomotor skills, such as their resistance to distraction, their sensitivity to information in peripheral vision, and their ability to count briefly presented objects than nonplayers.

Controversy- Like related forms of media, computer and video games have been the subject of frequent controversy and censorship, due to the depiction of graphic violence, sexual themes, advergaming (a form of advertising in games), consumption of drugs, consumption of alcohol or tobacco, propaganda, or profanity in some games. Among others, critics of video games sometimes include parents' groups, politicians, organized religious groups, and other special interest groups, even though all of these can be found in all forms of entertainment and media.

the information are from:
videogame theater:


On 14 of May, we went to Germany/Wittmund, to house families who had volunteered for host children for three days.

we went by plane to dusseldorf, and after we took three trains until Wittmund, where our families were waiting for us.

The first day we didn't speak with our families but in the second day, we did speak and we made a lot of friend of valencia and of another countries. We were workshops, football, coock, fashion or dance.We spend so well

On Thursday night, were the best, the disco

We dance a lot!


A committee is a type of small deliberative assembly that is usually intended to remain subordinate to another, larger deliberative assembly. Committees often serve several different functions:



-Research and recommendations

-Project management


The Cathedral is the heart of the City of Cologne. It forms the centre and provides the measure for everything else. 144 metres long, 86 metres wide and with 157-metre-tall spires. It stands on a flat-topped hill that has been a place of worship since the beginning of the city's history.
Excavations on the site have uncovered remains of a Roman heathen temple, but also traces of an early Christian church, which was probably extended in the 6th century and replaced by a Carolingian Cathedral in the 9th century.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

India (II)

Arranged wedding

Indian marriages are all about tradition, customs and rituals. As compared to marriages all around the world, Indian marriages are elaborate events. In India, marriages are not only about the bride and the groom but also the mingling of their families. Traditionally, marriages in India were arranged by family members.


The rituals also vary depending on the culture and religion of the bride and the groom. Amongst all the Indian Weddings, the Punjabi or Sindhi weddings are celebrated over a span of one week, were as the Christians weddings require much lesser time. The Indian Wedding rituals vary among different castes and classes as well; Bengali, Hindu, Kashmiri, Marwari, Punjabi, Buddhist, Muslim, Talim. Punjabi ladies sing and dance on the tunes, other is where the groom´s shoes are hidden by the bride´s relatives and friends and a negotiation takes place regarding the price wich has to be paid for it to be turned; Bhangras and Giddas are dance.Indian wedding ceremonies make up the Indian weddings. The rituals may differ slightly depending on wich part of Indian the couple comes from. The ceremonies can be divided into three basic parts : Pre-Wedding Ceremonies, Main Day Ceremonies and Post Wedding Ceremonies, while in our church and civil marriages there is only one day Ceremonie and then there may be a trip of them alone, the bride and groom, without their family.

Monsoon Wedding
A story set in the modern upper-middle class of India, where telecomunications and western lifestyle mix with old traditions, like the arranged wedding young Aditi accepts when she ends the affair with a married TV producer. The groom is an Indian living in Texas, and all relatives from both families, some Delhi during the monsoow season to atted the wedding. The four-day arrangements and celebrations will see clumsy organization, family parties and drama dangers to the happy end of the wedding, lost of music and ever a new romance for the wedding planner Dubey with the house maid Alice.

Indian weddings (video):

Indian dances (video):

the information are from: WIKIPEDIA.

Monday, April 21, 2008

India (I)

Mira nair
Is a director of the cinema of India that was born on October 15 1957, in Rourkela.She went to Nueva delhi’s university to study Sociology and Interpretation. At 19 years obtains a scholarship in Harvard's University to study Image and sound.

En 1979 she realizes her first film Jama Masjid Street Journal, from there there would come a series of works based on her natal India, mixing the western customs with the Hindu culture.

Films of Mira Nair

El buen nombre (2006)
The Namesake (2006)
La feria de las vanidades (2004)
Vanity Fair (2003)
11'09'01 (11'09'01) (episodio "India" - 2002)
Ciegos de amor – film tv (2002)
La boda del Monzón (2001)
The Laughing Club of India – documentario (1999)
My Own Country (1998) – film tv
Kamasutra, una historia de amor (1996)
Cuando salí de Cuba (1995)
Mississippi Masala (1991)
Salaam Bombay! (1988)
Children of a Desired Sex – (1987)
India Cabaret – documentario (1985)
So Far from India – (1982)
Jama Masjid Street Journal (1979)

Its the informal name from the film in language HINDU made by numerous studies in the city of bombai India. For one this word, invented in the 1970's, comes from a play on words between Bombay (the old name of Mumbai) and Hollywood, the center of the film industry in the United States.
Bollywood is a fundamental part of popular culture in India and the rest of the Indian subcontinent.
This word has become world famous and already formally appears in the Oxford English Dictionary. The production of Bollywood has taken off worldwide, and many of his films are acclaimed by the best critics.


Mother India (Mehboob Khan)
Aan (Mehboob Khan)
Andaz (Mehboob Khan)
Sholay (Ramesh Sippy)
Lagaan (Ashutosh Gowariker)
Swades (Ashutosh Gowariker)
Kal Ho Naa Ho (Nikhil Advani)
Devdas (Sanjay Leela Bhansali)
Black (Sanjay Leela Bhansali)
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (Yash Johar)
Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (Karan Johar)
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (Karan Johar)
Apne (Dharmender,Suny y Boby Deol)

Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter 2008

Easter 08 have been the best. Because I have been with my friends and I have meet new people.I have been sometimes with my mother and sometimes with my father.I have not flyed any commit and I have not eaten cake of pascua because I dont like it. a bad thing, is that I have more homeworks and almost every day I have had to do homeworks.

Easter is the most important religious feast in the Christian liturgical year.Christians celebrate this day in observance of their belief that Jesus Christ rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion (Easter Sunday, commonly referred to as the "third day" including the day of crucifixion), now estimated to have taken place between the years AD 26 and AD 36.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fallas 2008

Fallas 2008.

friday 14-> Escuela 2 celebrated a fallas party.

sunday 15-> I eated with my mother and brother, and I did meet a friend. Who's was daughter of a friend of my mother.On the afternoon I went to carla's houses, with valeria and silvia. On night I did meet another 3 friends and while the parents were eating, we went to the center.

saturday 16-> for another hand, I did meet another friends, from my friend Ilde.We went to the park and we put a blanket in the lawn to sleep there. On night we had lunch in the park and after, with my friends of sunday i went to the discomovil.

Monday 17 -> Day with my Saturday's friends and I presented they friends. after we went all together. On night my boy's friends were sleep in my house with my sunday's girls friends.

Tuesday 18-> We were sleep even one o' clock for which we were very sleepy.I was eat with one friend in my house and on afternoon i went to her house. On night my boy's friends and my sunday's girls friend are together another time in my house.

Wednesday 19-> The last day of FALLAS. My sunday's girls friends went to Galicia, because there its where they live. I cried very much because I don't return to see they even summer.

friday, 21 of march.

Monday, March 03, 2008


Past continuous
Estructure: subject + was/were + verb + ing

nota: was/were es el pasado del verbo to be.
Use of Past Progressive
- puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past
Example: He was playing football.
- two actions happening at the same time (in the past)
Example: While she was preparing dinner, he was washing the dishes.
- action going on at a certain time in the past
Example: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.

The diference of Past simple and past continuos is that past simple was an action who finish in the past and the past continuos was an action that started but no says that finished.


Monday, February 25, 2008



It is the seventh largest country by geographical area, the second most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world. India is the second country with most poblation (after china), India has 1.100 milions of person andmore than 100 different languages. The religions of india are: Hinduism and Islam. The capital of the india is Nueva Delhi and the more important cities:

- Bombai






One very important monument in india is the TAJ MAHAL. The money of india is the rupia.


For most of its post-independence history, India adhered to a quasi-socialist approach with strict government control over private sector participation, foreign trade, and foreign direct investment.Although the Indian economy has grown steadily over the last two decades; its growth has been uneven when comparing different social groups, economic groups, geographic regions, and rural and urban areas.


India has the wolrd's second largest labourd force, with 509.3 million people, 60% of whom are employed in agriculture and related industries; 28% in services and related industries; and 12% in industry.In 2006, estimated exports stood at US$112 billion and imports were around US$187.9 billion. Textiles, jewellery, engineering goods and software are major export commodities. Crude oil, machineries, fertilizers, and chemicals are major imports.

the information are from:

Sunday, February 17, 2008

present perfect

[Has/have + past participle]

You have seen that movie many times.
Have you seen that movie many times?
You have not seen that movie many times

The present perfect is often used for an action which started at some time in the past, and is still continuing now. Often, the words for (with a length of time) and since (with a starting time) are used along with the present perfect.

Conjugate the verb 'have' (have or has) past participle. Regular verbs end in -ed. If the verb ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the -y to -ied. Irregular verbs must be studied. See
chart for most common irregular verbs. -

He has lived in Canada for five years.
She has worked at the University since 1994.

in the simple perfect, the words yet, already, still, just are very important.
These words are with the verb of the third column.
Eaten, seen, gone, been, done.

-Conjugate the verb 'have' (have or has) not past participle. Regular verbs end in -ed. If the verb ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the -y to -ied. Irregular verbs must be studied. See chart for most common irregular verbs. -
I/You/We/They --> haven't seen Tom.
He/She/It -->hasn't left yet.

-Conjugate the verb 'have' (have or has) Subject past participle. Regular verbs end in -ed. If the verb ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the -y to -ied. Irregular verbs must be studied. See chart for most common irregular verbs. -
HAVE I/You/We/They -->been to Paris?
Has He/She/It --> finished yet?

YET: for negative and interrogative sentences.

Have you done your homework yet?
I haven’t read this book yet.

It is in the finish of the sentence.

ALREDY: for affirmative sentences.

-have you seen this film?
Yes, I’ve already seen it.
Andrea’s already left for the cinema.

it is after “have” and before “verb in past”

STILL: for all sentences [affirmatives, interrogatives and negatives]

She’s still in bed
We still haven’t found tickets for the concert.

It is after “Subject” and before “have”

JUST: for things that are happen NOW

She’s just returned from school.
I’ve just turned on the TV.

it is afer "subject" and before "verb in past"

Exercises to do and to practise:

another information:

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


thousands of children are recruited by armies for the armed war. Uganda, Burundi, costa de marfil, republica del congo, Sierra Leona, Sudan, Somalia they are a scene of conflicts in which the children are used as soldiers. on the night families leave homes to look for refuge in the cities to avoid to kidnap chidren, and return on morning " night travelers ".

more of childrens they are 15 years old, also children are recruited of 7 and 8 years. The tasks those who are kidnapped: loads of armament, ammunitions and provisions, bodyguard of the Superiors and what is worst still, to detect minefields and this way to avoid the death of the most useful soldier.

men and women are forced to stay on these groups, the girls generally are used as " sexual slaves "
and submitted to abuses.

The reason by which children are recruited is for considering them to be " cheap and insignificant ".

The way easy to obtain a children is the kidnapping, schools, orphanages, refugees centers, and marginal neighborhood.
After they are sending to camps of instruction

Then, they are sent to fields of instruction where they train them in tactics of war, and after they are put in the front of combat.

When some soldier flees and is found it is dead by other soldiers, normally of very violent form like to kicks or punches up to making him dead.

Malformations, venereal and different diseases of sexual transmission as HIV, of the violations. The girls are the most frequent victims of this, supporting not wished embarrassments, natural and provoked abortions, also anemia and hemorrhages. The addiction to the drugs is another scourge, many children are forced to consume cocaine, star player and other substances as the heroine, with which they lose the dread of fighting and this way committing atrocious crimes.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

computers vrs. books


10,8% only read books the weekends.
8% It does it once a month.
10,7% Less of once a month, almost never or never
10% ready usually
44,8% read books not professionals every day
63% when it speaks to professional volumes

of 12,5 proffesional's books and 9,65 Not professional books a year.

all the people use more the computers that the books, why?
because that its a form more fast of verifying things and more enterteining.
If for example, you have to look for a question, it would be a good remedy to look in the encyclopedia, but the 70 % of people do it in Internet. For this reason, it is said that the computers are versus to the books, for which in many cases, the computers prevent that the human read.

I think that its true, now many of the children instead reading, or to look for words in dictionaries, they look for it in Internet translator, or prefer playing to minigame. The best thing would be to change. Sometimes to read and sometimes to play with the computer.Not to overturn directly to the computers.For that the reading will be dying and for the generations who come it will not be the same thing.

another good page: