Tuesday, January 06, 2009

William ockham

William Ockham was born in Ockham, london
Isn’t known really when he was born and when he died, but a lot of people say that He was born in 1288 and He died on 1348.
He was one of the biggest figures of the mediaval thought.
Was a very important person in the age mediaval.

He estudied in two importants universities: Merton school, Oxford, and also he had John Duns Scotus ( he was one of the most important theologians and philosophers of the High Middle Ages) of teacher.

Works of William Ockham:
The Sum of All Logic
Exposition on the Book of Porphyry's Introduction to Aristotle's Categories
- Exposition on the Eight Books of Physics of Aristotle
- Seven Discussions on Anything and Everything
- On the Sacrament of the Altar
- Predestination
- God's Foreknowledge
- Future Contingents
The Work of Ninety Days
- Compendium of Errors of Pope John XXII
- Dialogues Between Master and Disciples upon the Power of Emperors and Popes

-Nowadays, He's probably best known today for his espousal of metaphysical nominalism-

1 comment:

Carol Horton said...

Great information. Ockham’s contributions in political thought are less known and appreciated than they may have been if he had been able to publish them. Likewise, there is no telling what he might have accomplished in philosophy if he had been allowed to carry on with his academic career. Ockham was ahead of his time. His role in history was to make way for new ideas, boldly planting seeds that grew and flourished after his death.

- College Prive Reine Marrie