Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My holidays

The best thing of my holidays was the concert of POLICE , in valencia.
I went with my cousins, my aunt, my father and my brother.
Was very nice. In the start, I didn't want to go, but later was very funny. I have never ear to speak about them, its a older group, but we were dancing and singing the songs that we know.
My best song was "walking on the moon", its really funny and nice.
The concert started at 9:00 PM and finished at 12:00, more or less.
Later, we were very tired.
We had prismatics to see better because we were on the last row in the grades. There was a lot of people, and I seen some of my friends.

On 20, july I went three weeks to Brighton, Ingland.
with the company "sheffield center". You could choose to stay in a residence or in a host family, and I went to host family.
There was:
3 children
-Elizabeth (9 years old)
-Alphie (12 years old)
-Bertie (3 years old) And pharents.

They were very nice and funny. The house was small but very cozy.
They had a trampolin, swimmingpool, dog, cat, fishes and a lot of things to play.

Another student of denmark, Trina, who is 17 years old, lived with me in the same house. This was a very good things because on morning, when whe went to the school I was not alone. She showed me to take the buses, to buy with the "libras" and a lot of things. My school was very big and with a lot of people from another countries: Denmark, poland, italy, french, spain, rusia.. The people, the teachers, the monitors were very friendly and very good person.

The first week, we had lessons on morning, three hours, later we were going to lunch in some restaurant, and later some days we had free time and another days we had activities to do.
On night sometimes we had free time, and another times we had disco or cinema.
If we had free time, we were going to the beach, under the Brighton Pier, a very famous build in Brighton, with a lot of people.
All the free nights were the best.

The second week, we had activities on morning and lessons on afternoon. And we had the same on nights.
The third week was the same than the first one.

The third week was very fast.
I cryed a lot, because was the time to say "GOODBYE".
And I have meeted a lot of friends and I have spend 3 weeks with them.

I came back to Spain with my Parenths, who were in london because my little brother wanted to see London.
The flyed was very good, better than the fly to come to London, because I traveled alone.
The next summer I want repeat.



Monday, August 11, 2008


Ecology is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their environment.

Likewise "ecologic" or "ecological" is often taken in the sense of environmentally friendly.

The term ecology or oekologie was coined by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866, when he defined it as "the comprehensive science of the relationship of the organism to the environment.
Fundamental principles of ecology:


Disciplines of ecology
Ecology is a broad discipline comprising many sub-disciplines. A common, broad classification, moving from lowest to highest complexity, where complexity is defined as the number of entities and processes in the system under study, is:

Behavioral ecology
Population ecology
Community ecology
Ecosystem ecology
Systems ecology
Landscape ecology
Evolutionary ecology
Political ecology
the information is from:
- wikipedia


[am/is/are + present participle]

POSITIVE- You are watching TV.
INTERROGATIVE- Are you watching TV?
NEGATIVE- You are not watching TV.

1.We use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening now.

The kids are watching TV.
I am sitting down, because I am tired.

2.We can also use the Present continuos Tense to talk about activities happening around now, and not necessarily this very moment.

Sally is studying really hard for her exams this week.
I am reading a really interesting book now.

3. The present continuos tense is also used to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events.

I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.
Polly is coming for dinner tomorrow

The information is from:
- English board
- present continuos

Another pages to play:
- http://images.google.es/imgres?imgurl=http://ro.zrsss.si/~viljenka/images/atbeach.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ro.zrsss.si/~viljenka/present_cc.htm&h=278&w=300&sz=29&hl=es&start=4&um=1&tbnid=qoOcc8xP6Z4SIM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpresent%2Bcontinuos%26um%3D1%26hl%3Des%26sa%3DN
