Monday, February 25, 2008



It is the seventh largest country by geographical area, the second most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world. India is the second country with most poblation (after china), India has 1.100 milions of person andmore than 100 different languages. The religions of india are: Hinduism and Islam. The capital of the india is Nueva Delhi and the more important cities:

- Bombai






One very important monument in india is the TAJ MAHAL. The money of india is the rupia.


For most of its post-independence history, India adhered to a quasi-socialist approach with strict government control over private sector participation, foreign trade, and foreign direct investment.Although the Indian economy has grown steadily over the last two decades; its growth has been uneven when comparing different social groups, economic groups, geographic regions, and rural and urban areas.


India has the wolrd's second largest labourd force, with 509.3 million people, 60% of whom are employed in agriculture and related industries; 28% in services and related industries; and 12% in industry.In 2006, estimated exports stood at US$112 billion and imports were around US$187.9 billion. Textiles, jewellery, engineering goods and software are major export commodities. Crude oil, machineries, fertilizers, and chemicals are major imports.

the information are from:

Sunday, February 17, 2008

present perfect

[Has/have + past participle]

You have seen that movie many times.
Have you seen that movie many times?
You have not seen that movie many times

The present perfect is often used for an action which started at some time in the past, and is still continuing now. Often, the words for (with a length of time) and since (with a starting time) are used along with the present perfect.

Conjugate the verb 'have' (have or has) past participle. Regular verbs end in -ed. If the verb ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the -y to -ied. Irregular verbs must be studied. See
chart for most common irregular verbs. -

He has lived in Canada for five years.
She has worked at the University since 1994.

in the simple perfect, the words yet, already, still, just are very important.
These words are with the verb of the third column.
Eaten, seen, gone, been, done.

-Conjugate the verb 'have' (have or has) not past participle. Regular verbs end in -ed. If the verb ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the -y to -ied. Irregular verbs must be studied. See chart for most common irregular verbs. -
I/You/We/They --> haven't seen Tom.
He/She/It -->hasn't left yet.

-Conjugate the verb 'have' (have or has) Subject past participle. Regular verbs end in -ed. If the verb ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the -y to -ied. Irregular verbs must be studied. See chart for most common irregular verbs. -
HAVE I/You/We/They -->been to Paris?
Has He/She/It --> finished yet?

YET: for negative and interrogative sentences.

Have you done your homework yet?
I haven’t read this book yet.

It is in the finish of the sentence.

ALREDY: for affirmative sentences.

-have you seen this film?
Yes, I’ve already seen it.
Andrea’s already left for the cinema.

it is after “have” and before “verb in past”

STILL: for all sentences [affirmatives, interrogatives and negatives]

She’s still in bed
We still haven’t found tickets for the concert.

It is after “Subject” and before “have”

JUST: for things that are happen NOW

She’s just returned from school.
I’ve just turned on the TV.

it is afer "subject" and before "verb in past"

Exercises to do and to practise:

another information:

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


thousands of children are recruited by armies for the armed war. Uganda, Burundi, costa de marfil, republica del congo, Sierra Leona, Sudan, Somalia they are a scene of conflicts in which the children are used as soldiers. on the night families leave homes to look for refuge in the cities to avoid to kidnap chidren, and return on morning " night travelers ".

more of childrens they are 15 years old, also children are recruited of 7 and 8 years. The tasks those who are kidnapped: loads of armament, ammunitions and provisions, bodyguard of the Superiors and what is worst still, to detect minefields and this way to avoid the death of the most useful soldier.

men and women are forced to stay on these groups, the girls generally are used as " sexual slaves "
and submitted to abuses.

The reason by which children are recruited is for considering them to be " cheap and insignificant ".

The way easy to obtain a children is the kidnapping, schools, orphanages, refugees centers, and marginal neighborhood.
After they are sending to camps of instruction

Then, they are sent to fields of instruction where they train them in tactics of war, and after they are put in the front of combat.

When some soldier flees and is found it is dead by other soldiers, normally of very violent form like to kicks or punches up to making him dead.

Malformations, venereal and different diseases of sexual transmission as HIV, of the violations. The girls are the most frequent victims of this, supporting not wished embarrassments, natural and provoked abortions, also anemia and hemorrhages. The addiction to the drugs is another scourge, many children are forced to consume cocaine, star player and other substances as the heroine, with which they lose the dread of fighting and this way committing atrocious crimes.