Sunday, January 14, 2007

bombing attack at Madrid airport.

On the 30 of december at 9:00, ETA terrorist group made explode one bomb in a van, charged with 200 and 500 k of Explosives, which was parked in one of the parking areas of the Madrid-Barajas airport (T-4). An hour before a man called to warn that they had planted a bomb in the van, and that was going to explode at 9:00. The big explossion killed 2 people of Ecuador called: Carlos Alonso Palate and Diego Armando Estacio and made injuries to lot of people. It also caused destruction at the Infrastructures of the aeroport. The flights were all delayed.

Question 1. Is it necessary to use the violence to obtain what you want?

I think not. it is not necesary to use the violence to obtain what you want because the rest of the people do not have to pay your anger. you have to respect the others.

Question 2. It is possible the dialog with violence?.

DEFINITELY NO!. TO DO OTHERWISE WOUD BE TO ACCEPT BLACKMAIL. (dialog is the opposite to violence)

Saturday, January 13, 2007


The princess Mononoke is a movie with Japonese animation from Hayao Hiyzaki. It is a movie based on Nature and describes the different problems relating to it, for instance, the pollution etc... "Mononoke" is not a name, it is a translation of *avening spirit* so that the title of the film is "Princess of the avening spirits". I think that this movie invites us to react and see what are we doing. In this movie there is a spirit of the forest.. And this spirit is as if we say, the heart, if it dies, all the forests die. The argument places in the ancient Japan, in an epoch of rebelliousness, warriors samurais and peoples separated by thousand of kilometres. The clan Tatara, the foundrymen of iron, start devastating the forests. Then the spirit of the forest, a mythical creature, grants the gods of the forest, who adopt the form of gigantic beasts, the power to protect his land against the human beings.

The protagonists are:

The spirit of the forest -> Sishi Gami. He is the person in charge of all the forests. It has the power to give and remove the life.

Moro -> she is the spirit of the tribe of wolves.

Okkoto -> he is the spirit of the tribe of jabalíes.

Nago -> It is the protective spirit of the forest where the city is smelting.

Kodamas -> the are great, small
and graceful. The live Inside de forest.

Yakkul -> It is the red moose that shares all the Ashikata´s adventures. He has a great heart and is very intelligent.

San (Mononoke Hime) -> the protagonist girl that was raised by Moro because her parents lef her in order that is was eating.

Ashitaka -> The protagonist boy. Is the prince of the tribe of Emishi.

L- Eboshi -> She is the lady of smelting and protective of the city build around it and of that they live.

Gonza -> He is the assistant of L.Eboshi

Jiko -> He is the first person who helps at Ashitaka.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


xmas In sPain*

the first day of vacations of christmas is "christmas eve" in Spain " noche buena". it is 23 of december and "Papa Noel" bring presents, Normally small. The dinner of this day is Normally with the Family.

The next day is "christmas day" in spain say "Navidad/ día de navidad". this day happens on 24 of december. the dinner normally is with the family, but there are people who prefers with friends, people of work etc..

In december 25,26,27,28,29 & 30.. does not happen something, but 31 its the change from year to 1 of January. The cange its at 12 o´clock. In the television are more programs announcing the change of year. Every announcements after de program can cost milions.

The day 6 of January comes the 3 wise men --> "Los reyes magos".
It is say that they come in the night when all the children of the house are sleep.
Normally they comes with more presents than "Papa noel"..

On the 8th we go to school. good-bye xmas!!

XMaS iN thE wOrLd*

the christmas is not equal in all the countries. It can be similar, but do not be equal.

In any countries not go "Papa noel" and only "the three wise men" and in other countries yes.
In any countr
ies the trees it is not tree and in other yes.

Everything depends on the culture that has the country.

Xmas in Egypt:

christmas is celebrated on the 7th January. On the Eve of christmas every one goes to church wearing a completely new outfit. the christmas service ends at midnight with the ringin of church bells. then, go to home to eat a
special christmas food: meal known as fata, bread, rice, garlic and boiled meat.

Xmas in China:

the children of China decorarte trees with colorful ornaments. these ornaments are madre from paper in the shapes of flowers, chains and lanterns. The chinese
christmas trees are called "trees of light". Santa Claus is called " Dun Che Lao Ren" the three wise men "christmas old man".

Xmas in Italy:

The christmas season in Italy goes for three weeks , starting 8 days before Christmas known as the novena. In this period, children go from house to house riciting christmas poems and singing. They are given money to buy presents.

Xmas in India:

Christmas in India decorate banana or mango trees, and some furniture with red flowers. they give presents to family members and give baksheesh or charity to the poor people

Xmas in Grece:

on Christmas eve small boys usually sing carols. They go house to house and are given dried figs, almonds, walnuts and lot of sweets. Christmas trees are no commonly use in Grece. In almost every home the main symbol of the season is a shallow wooden bowl.